animal cruelty
Save the Animals and Stop the Cruelty.

what is animal cruelty?

animal cruelty is abusing or neglecting an animal. it comes in many different forms. this includes animal exploitation, human predation, and testing. some people even abuse them purely for entertainment or enjoyment.

Animal Hunting

Many animals in the wild are being chased, hunted, and killed. The people that should be blamed are the hunters who hunt illegally to make money or for their own fun. Animals that are being poached for a purpose is elephants, cheetahs, and rhinos. The purpose for the poaching of elephants is because of their ivory tusks. The ivory tusks is considered valuable and could be made into luxury goods like jewelry. For the cheetahs, their fur is made into coats and rugs. Cheetah print has also been a trend in the past. Lastly, the rhinos are killed for their horns because it is supposedly a symbol for wealth and could be used for medicine. Hunting can lead to extinction of animals and make the species become endangered.

Exploiting Animals

Animals all over the world are being exploited, simply for the benefits of humans. Animal exploitation is the harming, torturing, and suffering of animals. Animals are being captured and brought into slaughter houses, circus and horrible conditions where they suffer from many things ranging from anxiety, depression, fear, or boredom. they are forced to live a life of either serving humans or simply being killed as a source of food for us. animals are used for clothing, jewelry, tools, and experience. for example, rhino horns are used for medicinal purposes. people hunt them down and cut off their horns, which are a necessities for their day-to-day life. rhinos use their horns to protect and feed their children, dig holes and shrubs, and impress their mates. without them, it is difficult for them to preform simple activities a duties.

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